Radio Interview/Podcast Guide – Intro (Click here to Download)

I would first like to personally thank you for downloading this script. That means that you do support Carbon Free Nuclear Energy and also the need to have our stockpile of SUNF (Slightly Used Nuclear Fuel) Recycled into an Abundance of Clean and reliable energy while solving the disposition issue of “nuclear waste” sitting at all light water reactors.  This process would also provide an energy-producing solution to the disposal of, and a better utilization of US Government old bomb making plutonium stockpiles.

Congratulations, you are taking a great and proactive step forward to support in clean nuclear energy by volunteering to get on your local radio and/or online radio show, or any media outlet. Here are some steps shown below that I recommend to take if you do not fully comprehend the concept of 1 – Nuclear Energy, 2 – SNUF (Slightly Used Nuclear Fuel), 3 – recycling SUNF with fast reactor technology.              

Steps towards your first interview:

  1. Familiarize yourself with Nuclear Energy Basics, this can be as easy as visiting the first page “Primer” at  Virginia Recycles SNF. Or do your own research perhaps at sites like “What’s Nuclear” to Learn about nuclear energy. Remember, you don’t need to be an expert to talk about it!
  • Then, perhaps watch the two slide shows at the top of the “Nuclear Ed” page.
  • Finally, to see that it is not as scary as some may think it to be, listen to some of the interviews that Steve Curtis and I have been on. It is in the section directly below the two slide shows mentioned in #3 (above) titled “Radio & Online Interviews on Recycling Nuclear Energy”. And many other items there!
  • Call us if you have any questions.
  • Read over the script and practice with your spouse, friend or colleague.
  • Then call and/or email any and all radio stations in your area with a request to appear on a short spot on one of  their Talk Shows. Publicize the date and time so others will listen when it is on. Most shows usually have a link to listen to it afterwards or to “listen on-line” on the internet, which can then be emailed to your local, state and federal leaders! 
  • Often, you do not even need to leave your house to do the interview!

Have fun with it, after my first interview it was Ol’ Hat! Thanks, and welcome to the satisfying world of taking an active role in Supporting Nuclear & Recycling Nuclear Waste to Energy!

Radio Show Guide Starts Here!


While many still claim that conservation together with wind and solar will solve the world’s energy problems, they are dead wrong.

Nuclear power is the only proven baseload alternative source of carbon-free energy, that can be further developed rapidly and supply the world’s growing need for clean energy.

Clean energy being shut down Is a travesty to the environment.

People all across the US rely on clean nuclear power 24 hours a day, 7 days a week! We need to keep nuclear power, our largest zero emission energy.

We can’t let lack of federal action on climate and carbon pricing allow bad, irreversible decisions to be made about our investments in clean, reliable nuclear energy.

However, the Nation also NEEDS to – Recycle Slightly Used Nuclear Fuel

We recycle everything from aluminum cans, plastic, metals to newspapers! Why not recycle the  valuable resource of, “Slightly Used Nuclear Fuel” (SUNF) to produce centuries worth of clean energy. This is a huge repository of nuclear fuel instead of something to be disposed of by the Federal Government!

The United States is the Technology Leader in Nuclear Recycling. The carbon-free energy that can be Recycled from the U.S. stockpile of roughly 90,000 tons of  SUNF & 600,000 tons of depleted uranium will last thousands of years with, “Clean Energy Too Cheap to Meter” (meaning one low monthly price for all the electricity you can use!).  What’s not to like?  . Once Recycled, the stockpile’s energy would be equal to 4.5 Trillion Barrels of oil, that is more than 200 times the Oil reserves of the United States and over 4 times the known Global Oil reserves. Also, one pound of this recycled SUNF energy is equal to 3 Million pounds of coal. Can you imagine the health benefits from replacing coal power producing plants with Fast SUNF fueled Reactors?! The current end waste storage problem of the 1,000,000 year Highly Radioactive material volume, would be reduced by over 90%, and radioactivity reduced to under 300 years.

You might ask, “So what’s the problem?”.  Simply put, it is lack of education on a grand scale leading to the public being led to expensive electricity by also politicians that also have no clue, with little improvement on the environment.

Please, join the,  along with the, to request our National and State leaders to do what is right for America today, so that partisan politics, and short-term energy profits, don’t leave Americans with dirty air, or with less reliable energy!

American’s need and Demand, clean,, Carbon-Free, Nuclear Energy, and the abundant supply of recyclable “slightly used nuclear fuel”, as well as reliable grids, so there will be a Cleaner and Brighter tomorrow!

Possible Questions & Answers for Host & Interviewee

Question 1. Can you explain why nuclear power is not better received by the public?

I think it is largely because they have received misinformation. 

They are told how unsafe nuclear power is when it is actually has the best industrial safety record of any power production industry. 

They have been led to believe radiation is far more damaging at lower levels than it really is. 

They have been told how expensive it is when, for over a decade or more, it is the most economical way to make energy, especially clean energy. 

They have been told that the waste is dangerous when it is actually the only energy waste that is completely contained and sequestered from the environment.

And is the only form of waste that can be recycled to produce 100 times its original energy.

Question 2. What factor is hurting the nuclear power industry?

On a level playing field, the economics of nuclear energy surpass any other energy production source, especially in the long run. 

While many will point to the low price of natural gas, which is a factor, wind energy and solar energy have been receiving production payments (subsidies) from the US Government to the point that they can profit from being paid no money for their power. 

This may sound good, but, we all pay for the subsidies.  If the goal of the subsidies, which is to eliminate fossil fuel and nuclear energy from the market, is realized, there will be only one source of energy purchase, and that is defined as a monopoly. 

Energy companies Looking short-term for profits puts the customers in a very disadvantaged position since, once the subsidies are gone, they will have to pay for production of the energy. 

This is why we do not feed the bears in the park.  Once the human subsidy of food is withdrawn, the bears can no longer remember how to get food in any other way and will probably die.

 On a level playing field in a free market, no power source can compete with the economics of nuclear power, especially in a market that places a value on clean energy.

Question 3. How close are we to the production of next generation reactors?

Let me first say that it is nonsensical to decommission an existing (light water) nuclear power plant before its license (including the extensions) is up. 

While we bring the next generation reactors, otherwise known as Small Modular Reactors, on board, we should extract every electron of energy from existing power plants.  Their most profitable times are the 50 years after they have paid off their construction debt, which is the biggest expense of producing nuclear power.  They are very low maintenance, and the cost of fuel is only 4% of all costs (for natural gas, the fuel cost is 80% of the total cost). 

Next generation reactors are probably 5-10 years away from production-level costs.  In fact, NuScale is marketing its approved reactor design overseas. 

As demand for nuclear power increases, next generation reactors are moving closer to assembly-line production costs quickly.  You will have your choice of several designs within 5-10 years.

Question 4. You talked about safety, but haven’t there been accidents with nuclear power reactors?

Of course.  Just like cars and airplanes, accidents happen.  Unlike cars and airplane accidents, nuclear accidents have yet to hurt or kill people in the United States.  In fact, nobody died or was injured by the reactor accidents we hear about the most, Three-Mile-Island and Fukushima.

The other accident we are told about is Chernobyl.  In fact, It was not an accident.  It was a deliberate shut down of all of that reactors safety systems ordered by a high-ranking Russian Official on purpose, much to the horror of the technicians.  In fact, the other three reactors continued to run normally for fourteen years until they were shut down and taken off line.

With 6 decades of operation around the world of more than 400 commercial power reactors, and only two accidents which hurt nobody.  That is a record not matched by any other energy production industry.

Important Need to have reference to [email protected] to get more answers from Steve & Tom or possibly have on your show

Points to possibly stress:

Almost no progress is being made now with wind and solar because for every wind and solar plant built, an equivalent natural gas or coal peaking plant is needed.

An existing stockpile of clean energy exists equivalent to at least 250 years of US power demand in the form of Slightly Used Nuclear Fuel (SUNF).  This is energy security with no further mining required.

Nuclear power has been the safest form of energy production in the nation for more than 6 decades and supplies 20% of our electricity and 55% of our clean energy today.

Costs of new nuclear power plants have been driven higher by unnecessary regulation.  China builds 1 GW reactors in about 3-5 years at a $3,000 – $5,000 per kW cost, while it takes the US 10-15 years to build and puts our cost at or above $8,000 per kW.

By recycling SUNF with fast reactors, the US can provide a supply of baseload power (on all the time) that will allow customers the option of “clean energy too cheap to meter” for the asking.